Sunday School at St. John's is a rotation based program.

Children in Sunday School will be introduced to the Old Testament Bible stories and scripture references as part of a four-week rotation block. Through the Rotation Sunday School program, lessons and activities tend to have a higher level of creativity. The Bible is presented in a variety of leaning styles, creating higher interest and enthusiasm as children actively manipulate their learning of the Bible.



Because the story is repeated each week to a new group of children with modification for age appropriateness, each group will experience each of the four workshops during the rotation block.

During the Opening each week, we will leam a song based on the Bible story. Children will then be dismissed with their leader to participate in one of four workshops, which may include Art, Bible Skills and Games, Cooking, Creative Drama, Science, or Video.The workshops will integrate the Bible story and scripture each week, giving the big picture idea that children can remember easily, take with them, and refer to as they grow in their Christian faith.

Leaders welcome visitors to briefly take a spin through the rooms during lessons to see the new twist on Christian Education at St. John's! Take a look!

We need leaders and Shepherds if our Sunday School is to continue giving children the Bible-based experiences we know are so important in forming their faith. Will you commit to lead or Shepherd children for a four-week block?

Please speak with Connie Parli (623-933-3868) or Pastor Peter if you have any questions.

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

We are very excited about the lessons we have prepared for our Sunday School classes and pray for your support to make every effort to get your children to Sunday School each Sunday.


Start Time – Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a.m. with the singing of classic Sunday School songs in the chapel.   So that we can offer the best possible experience of Christian Education, we are asking that your children always be in the chapel on time. 


Food in the classrooms is discouraged because it can become a distraction and take away from the lesson and activities.  However, if there is a special occasion and you would like to provide treats, please contact your child’s teacher in advance.


Pick Up Time – Especially for our younger Christians who will need an older sibling or adult to pick them up after Sunday School, we are requesting that children are picked up no later than 10:50 a.m.




Each teacher will be creating integrated lessons based on a Faith Focus – a “big picture” idea that our children can remember easily, take with them, and refer to as they continue in their Christian lives.  This Faith Focus will be used throughout the year with every lesson.  Opening prayers, lessons, conversations between the teacher and students, activities/crafts, and songs will be integrated to help make connections to that focus.  Often, our classes will be praying the Lord’s Prayer as a closing to Sunday School.

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